Financial Wellness (wellness blog 2)

Financial wellness is teaching yourself how to manage your money and learning how to establish your money. To me Financial wellness is a way to detain money without going out and spending it on things you don’t really need. As a teen i spend so much money on clothes and shoes. I don’t really know why but i just like to spoil myself and also just to look fresh. I’m addicted to fashion so every time i get money i must go shopping it’s a habit pretty much now. I see a lot of teens doing the same thing but we should all start waking up and start seeing the problems around us because we are all growing up and about to start being adults. Once we are officially consider adults we are all going to be responsible for paying for bills which well suck but also for those who are going to college or a university because probably some  people will need to pay for it. Also every time you get money you should try and put some of it away just for emergencies because you never know when you would actually have a emergency and would actually need money. A lot of teens are finally getting their first job and the first check they get would probably go spend it on something that they probably don’t need. Food can also be a big problem for teens, for example starbucks some teens go to starbucks everyday and not realize what they could of probably done with that or save that money for a different situation. The best way to save money is by investing your money to become more financially stable or just put everything in a bank account and keep it safe there.


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