Journal to Topaz journal entries

Chapter 7: A New Friend, pages 59-65

I was sleeping and i heard this hammering noise that woke me up. I thought I was back in Berkeley, but as I moved the noisy rustle of straw reminded me where I was. It was dark I thought it was 6 o’clock so I tried to find my way back to sleep  but then the hammering began again. I thought it was ken so I yelled at him to stop but it wasn’t him that replied to me. After a brief of silence a voice apologized for waking me, it was my neighbor from the other side of the partition that divided our stalls. All of a sudden I heard this voice of a young girl whisper “How can anybody still be asleep at 9 o’clock ?” I felt so bad for yelling at them. I thought it was my brother and it was early in the morning but it really wasn’t any of that. I apologized to her and she became my new friend. Her name is Emiko.

Chapter 8: Ken Spoils a Party, pages 67-74

My best friend Mimi, Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Jamieson were coming. I’ve never been so happy to see them, Mrs. jamieson baked us a chocolate cake with chopped walnuts and marshmallows in the frosting. Here at camp we never got to eat any food like this, my mouth was watering I couldn’t wait to eat it.

Chapter 10: Goodbye, Tanforan, pages 83-91

We are getting moved to a camp in Utah, now I will be even more far away from home I won’t be able to see my best friend. I didn’t think I was going to feel this way again, I didn’t eat. I wrote to Mimi telling her how far we are getting send, the time she came to visit was the last time she was going to see her until all of this was over.

Chapter 11:  A Home in the Desert, pages 93-102

Emi and her grandparents live in the same block just two barracks away. Often after would meet outside the mess hall and together we would walk to the edge of the camp. As we were walking Emi kept coughing and she was really pale. She look in spite of all of sun. Then all of a sudden Emi fell to the ground like a small sack, crumpling soundlessly in a tiny heap. My heart dropped I was so scared, I looked up and saw the camp hospital a hundred miles away but I didn’t care Emi needed help. I started running with my rubbery legs, panting, gasping and stumbling in the soft dust. I wasn’t even halfway there but I saw two men in white coats walking towards me, they were doctors coming off their duty going back to their barracks, I yelled HELP! By the time I caught up to them they were telling Mrs.Kurihara they need to carry her to the hospital I was so worried.

Chapter 12:  Dust Storm, pages 103-109

When I heard Yiki’s voice say “ Hi you alright ? “ I was so surprised and glad to see her, I thought no one except my grandparents could come. Yuki was such a great friend trying her best to see me even if she had to sneak around, it should that she is a true friend who cares.

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